This evening my wife and I watched a short (about 15 minutes) animated video produced by Ani7ime Studio (廣州美術學院數碼藝術專業) called Water Brain (我要看). There are no spoken words, so don’t worry if you don’t understand Chinese.
From the page on Vimeo, the poster has this to say about Water Brain:
This is a story about mental pressure. In this story, the kids are constantly forced to bury themselves into their endless homework by those giant monsters behind them. The children’s brains are filled with water that can be heated by tension. If a kid is overstressed, the water in their brain would boil and produce steam, which becomes the food of the greedy monsters and the energy of the whole city. Thus, those poor children repeat their lives day after day, serving as the powerplant of their world, spending their childhood in tragic misery…
Water Brain Complete Edition(16:9) from Johann.Poo on Vimeo.
I always enjoy good animation, but this is great animation.
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