If you read Greg Laden’s Blog, then you’re probably familiar with another blog called You’re Not Helping. [No, I’m not providing a link. Think I’m going to help them? Fuck them.]. The bloggers (who keep their identities secret in their magical bat cave in Alabama, it seems) at YNH go on and on about how the “New Atheists” are not helping the situation regarding the meeting of science and religion. They’re accommodationist twits, no more.
On their front page today, I noticed something of a disparity between two of their posted diatribes. From “The Freedom from Religion Foundation are Do Nothings, too” comes this:
“Yeah, you read that correctly. Instead of volunteering your time to help in the cleanup, throwing in some coin to a reputable organization involved in the cleanup, or even voicing activist support for alternative energy, all you’ve gotta do is bitch to people about religion!!! Whine a little bit in your local paper, and your job is done. Oil spill solution achieved.”
But in the column next to that, for a post entitled “See all evil, hear all evil, speak only about evil. Do nothing.”, I found the following text:
“The atheist blogosphere has been in an offended tizzy – “insulted,” to quote one blogger – that people would dare pray during the oil spill, much less gather in a crowd to do it. PZ Myers is pissed that people are holding prayer vigils. The intellectual hive mind of the Richard Dawkins community is declaring anyone praying about the spill ““stupid” and “morons.” Ophelia Benson is downright “insulted” that the president suggested people pray for support in a time of trouble. You get the picture.
Whenever religious people praying is mentioned, a common assumption is made, not every time but more than not: the people who are praying will pray, and then try nothing of their own volition to fix whatever problem they’re worried about.”
Well, isn’t that interesting? Now let me take a moment to replace a few words in the first section to see how it reads:
“Yeah, you read that correctly. Instead of volunteering your time to help in the cleanup, throwing in some coin to a reputable organization involved in the cleanup, or even voicing activist support for alternative energy, all you’ve gotta do is bitch to people about religion get on your knees and pray!!! Whine Tithe a little bit in your local paper pastor, and your job is done. Oil spill solution achieved.”
Isn’t that interesting. I guess it’s wrong to assume that people who are having a day of prayer to stop the oil spill (which will do absolutely nothing but waste time and taxpayer money) will not do anything else to help the situation, but it isn’t wrong to assume that the people who point out the futility and utter stupidity of such a day of prayer (and complain about their taxes paying for such declarations) will not provide any type of assistance in cleanup, whether it be work or money. Isn’t that a great fucking example of the hypocrisy of accommodationist twits like YNH.
As for YNH’s constant attacks against any atheist who goes against their grain and does not try to accommodate religion and give respect to religious points of view, I can only say…
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Love it.
Those guys are annoying. I pretty much don’t even bother to go there and read their shit any more. I’ve got more important things to do.
That being said, I am glad you are around to rip them apart. 🙂
Maybe the YNHers (pronounced ‘whiners’) are under the impression that pissant bleating and hypocrisy are somehow helping. I wonder when they’ll work out that it isn’t?
“YNHers (pronounced ‘whiners’)”
That’s just beautiful, Wowbagger.
Dan, I love the title of this post.
YNH bites the dust! Rampant dishonesty and sock-puppetry were exposed; now he – turns out there’s just one of them, despite the use of the majestic plural – locked it off.
Well done Oedipus Maximus at The Buddha is not Serious for doing the leg-work; read more about it there or try PZ’s post about it, or Greg Laden’s.
Simply amazing, isn’t it? Looks like “Will” is finally getting all that attention he craved. I doubt this is quite the way he thought it would happen, though.