It seems that my Evangelical Blogstalker took time today to respond to several comments on the This is Why We Can’t Have Nice Things post. He left no fewer than seven responses from 10:37 to 10:50 am (Eastern Time). I’m going to take a look at them one at a time. I won’t leave any in-depth responses, but only a few minor comments. My larger, general evaluation will come at the end, along with an explanation regarding why you won’t need to respond to any of zdenny’s comments.
Posted 2009 November 24 at 10:37 am in response to my comment:
Dan, I think the real issue is whether you love anyone at all. If you can’t love me, I am certain you really don’t love anyone my friend.
[You’re telling me that it’s not possible for me to feel love. How dare you! —Dan J]The fact is I show up on your blog out of love for you! I want everyone to grow in their knowledge of love towards all men.
[Bullshit! You show up out of some misguided compulsion to proselytize. That’s one of your definitions of ‘love’. —Dan J]However, the facts are in and gays have high suicide rates and death rates. Sexual disease in particular has nothing to do with Christians.
[High death rates? Do you know what the death rate is in the US? I’ll clue you in; it’s 100%. Are you actually trying to tell me that Christians don’t get sexually transmitted diseases? Again, you’re a fucking pathetic liar, zdenny. If you actually believe such bullshit, you’re also delusional. —Dan J]If everyone actually lived a life of love, we wouldn’t have any of these issues.
[Now you’re trying to suggest that if everyone started following your religion faithfully, that all the bad things in life would disappear; no more illness, land of milk and honey… You’re definitely delusional if you believe such obvious bullshit. —Dan J]God’s plan is one man loving one woman for life. If this standard was met, we would have tainted blood supplies, we wouldn’t have HIV going around, we wouldn’t have people commiting suicide.
[Not even people who claim to follow that plan actually follow it. How the fuck can you claim moral superiority with the track record your religious people have? If that’s your ‘God’s plan’, then let everyone who believes in your God follow the plan. Leave the rest of us alone or we’ll get very very angry. Where the fuck do you get the idea that HIV is only around because of homosexuality? If you’d read some fucking scientific literature for a change instead of Answers in Genesis you might fucking learn something, you brainwashed twit! —Dan J]Homosexuals, adulterers, fornicators etc.. present a danger to the rest of the world as well as to themselves. There are literally hundreds of stories of people getting aids from tainted blood supplies. When a person gets HIV, it doesn’t show up sometimes for a couple of years.
[Do you know where the danger lies? Lack of education, misinformation (lies) spread by religious groups, lack of access to condoms, fear of ‘coming out’ as a homosexual, etc. The biggest danger is people just like you. —Dan J]“An estimated 1 in 450,000 to 1 in 660,000 donations per year are infectious for HIV but are not detected by current antibody screening tests.”
[How about adding a little context? “In 1993, only approximately six per 100,000 blood donations collected by the American Red Cross tested positive for HIV antibody. In addition, only an estimated one in 450,000 to one in 660,000 donations per year (i.e., 18-27 donations) were infectious for HIV but were not detected by current screening tests.” That’s from the CDC’s web site, where your information originated. Those estimated 18 to 27 possibly infected donations still leave the US with among the safest blood supplies in the world. —Dan J]The godless don’t stop their death march there though. They go on to kill babies and they want to allow doctors to kill old people. In addition, they want to make recreational drug usage an everyday normalized thing for all Americans which results in more deaths.
[Once again, you try to derail the subject. We were discussing the rights of homosexual couples. This has nothing to do with ‘godlessness’, except inside your tiny bigoted mind. No one is killing babies. (Aborted fetuses are not, nor were not, babies.) No one is going to kill old people. (Do you have any clue what hospice care is?) How many deaths are directly attributed to marijuana each year? Compare that to how many deaths are directly attributed to alcohol. Which one is safer? —Dan J]Christians just look at the stupidity and write it off as selfishness that is not guided by reason. You have to know the love of God to even think correctly about these issues.
[Write it off? No; they try everything they can to get their religious bullshit put into secular legislation. If you ‘know the love of God’ in the way you mean it, it’s impossible to think rationally about anything. Everything gets filtered through your bible and your jesus-glasses. You’re still a pathetic liar, zdenny. —Dan J]Dan, you need the love of God. The love of God will change your life. Instead of being angry and full of hate, you would be full of love. When you see people hurting themselves, you will want to reach out in love to those people.
[I need the love of your God just as much as I need the love of the Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal. I would more appreciate the latter, thank you. The love of God would change my life in that it would decrease my intelligence and make people avoid me because of my incessant whining about how they need the love of God in their life too. (I’m sure you can sympathize with that scenario.) You see people hurting themselves where I see people living happy, joy-filled lives with the people they love. I think you need your vision checked. —Dan J]Your anger towards the only people group that want to help homosexuals is very telling. Christians can just look at the facts and see what the world needs. We need more love rather than hate. We need more understanding rather than blind disrepect towards those who disagree with us.
[Do you actually think that Christians like you are the only group that truly wants to help homosexuals? Why is it that homosexuals in general don’t want anything to do with your ‘help’? Because it isn’t help. It’s your attempt to force them into your belief system, and it’s immoral and wrong. Understanding? Where’s your understanding toward homosexuals? You have none. You simply want to change them because you think they are an abomination. You sicken me. —Dan J]
Posted 2009 November 24 at 10:38 am in response to Chaosagent’s comment:
Choas…thanks… you prove my point. You need the love of God too! Perhaps then you will be able to see that even those who disagree with you have value.
First off, it’s ‘Chaosagent’, not ‘Choas’. Nobody ever accused zdenny of having great spelling skills. More pointless drivel about the love of god.
Posted 2009 November 24 at 10:40 am in response to HrothgirOD’s comment:
Love is your choice. God is love; however, if you want to enjoy the life of God for eternity, you have to choose love.
God is not going to force you to love as forced love is a contradiction. Hell is merely your separation from the life of God for eternity. It is your choice.
More meaningless drivel equating god with love.
Posted 2009 November 24 at 10:41 am in response to Todd’s comment:
I don’t deny that we all have sinful impulses! Our impulses prove that we are under the curse of sin. We need the love of God to overcome our lust. The only way to overcome lust is with love.
Why would you want to overcome lust? Why all these sexual hangups all the time?
Posted 2009 November 24 at 10:46 am in response to Jeremy Witteveen’s comment:
There is a reason they have high suicide rates and high disease rates. There are is also a reason why innocent people are dying due to tainted blood supplies. When you go outside of God’s plan, it always results in death. In fact the Bible says, “The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ…”
More bullshit about “God’s plan”. Meaningless.
Posted 2009 November 24 at 10:48 am in response to Jeremy Witteveen’s comment:
The Bible says that the path of love is a narrow path. The vast majority live a life of lust and find reasons to justify it. Even though we know rationally that drugs can kill you, some still do drugs. The fact that we know that playing chicken with cars can kill you, some still do… Reason oftentimes is a loser when a person is driven by passion…
Drugs can kill you, yet some people still do drugs. Guess what: driving on the highway can kill you, yet some people still drive on the highway. Get a fucking clue, you moron.
Posted 2009 November 24 at 10:50 am in response to petursey’s comment:
I accept everyone unconditionally. In fact, that is why I blog because of my love for everyone. It doesn’t matter what type of activity they are engaged in because I know I am a sinner in need of a Savior just like everyone else. Once you understand our common humanity, it humbles you and you begin to see the value of the life of love and reason
Zdenny accepts everyone unconditionally? He’s a fucking liar. He thinks the only way to ‘help’ homosexuals is to make them into heterosexuals (with God’s love, no less). How unconditional is that?
I like Ralph’s take on ‘sin’:
That which we call sin in others, is experiment for us.
—Ralph Waldo Emerson, “Experience”, Essays, 1844
What Zdenny Has to Say
Zdenny talks a lot about something he calls “God’s love”. He never really explains what this is, in the same way that he never really explains anything. He never directly responds to questions or criticisms. He talks a lot about his belief that ‘godless’ people are unable to actually experience love.
I’m sick of it. He sounds like a fucking broken record. It’s the same thing over and over again. He refuses to listen. He refuses to acknowledge his failed logic. He refuse to engage in actual conversations. Everything in his head revolves around his religion; his Jesus™; his God™. He’s a conpiracy theory nut, too. Did you know that? He’s worried about the New World Order, being convinced that the European Union is bringing this about, and that it’s a sign of the End Times. He thinks that global warming is a lie, and part of a big scientific community conspiracy. He thinks that RFID chips are somehow tied in with biblical prophecy about the end times. He really is a fucking nutcase.
What Comes Next?
Next comes a period of tranquil reflection. This is also a good way to “cleanse the palate”, as it were, after wading through the hatred, lies, and bigotry that originated in zdenny’s tiny brain.
Wasn’t that nice? That’s the song “Gloria” by the Japanese group Kalafina (カラフィナ).
After this comes no more of zdenny’s drivel here at Relatively Unrelated. I’m done with him. I’ve chewed him up and spit him out again. I’ve kicked him like a dog, and he keeps crawling back. I’ve curb-stomped him, yet he keeps getting up again. He’s got spunk, but that spunk isn’t attached to a functioning higher nervous system.
Zdenny’s comments are currently blocked here at Dexterity Unlimited. They don’t automatically go away, but they’re fully moderated. I doubt very much that I will even check them to see if they contain anything worth letting through, because I find that possibility extremely unlikely.
He was a good toy for a while, but some of the pieces were missing when I got it, and it really hasn’t held up to the hours of fun that we’ve had with it. The edges are worn, and the paint is flaking off. The dents in the side of the head will never come out. I think I’ll toss it into the bin with the other things that I use for spare parts. Maybe part of it will be of some use in the future.
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While ZDenny is no Larry Fafarman, he is an uncivil, irrational, bigoted little troll who wore out his welcome a long time ago as far as I’m concerned. Everything he says (ad nauseam) in these comment threads he’s also said somewhere at his blog; if people really need a ZDenny fix for whatever reason they can get it over there. (I actually read the damn thing occasionally for laughs.) He appears to live in a fantasy-world where everything he likes is done by Christians who are filled with a love that is indistinguishable to an outsider from the mindless hate of a rabid dog, and where the godless are responsible for everything he hates. He cites material he has either not read or has not understood to back up his irrational notions, and when he does cite something reasonably accurately, it turns out to be from some den of loons like the Answers in Genesis crowd. Stephen Colbert’s No-Fact Zone seems like the natural home for this guy; I’ve already wasted too much time running down his links and trying to follow his twisted logic.
[Originally moderated by the blog owner, this comment is finally allowed, after being held for over a year.]
Dan, I wrote this with you in mind a few days ago. I know I am on moderation so I thought you might enjoy it.
A man named Finite awoke and found himself in a sinkhole full of quick sand. He was sinking very slowly and knew that he would meet certain death.
A man came along who had holes in his hands. The man threw Finite a rope and told him to grab it and he would pull him to safety.
Finite looked at the holes in the man’s hands and said, “Your not real.” “It is not scientifically possible for a man to live who has holes in his hands.
The man with the holes in his hands looked at the guy a little puzzled and said, “You are in a sinkhole and about to die. Your response to my help is to say I’m not real?”
Finite said, “Well, I like the warm sand. Second, I know I am having an illusion because it is not possible for a man to have holes in his hands and still help me out.” Therefore, morally I like my plight and scientifically, you don’t exist being a mere projection of my mind.
The man with the holes in his hands said, “Listen, I was sent here by my father to help people out so please let me help you! I will take you to my father’s mansion where you can enjoy life for eternity. Obviously, death was not able to hold me in the grave because the holes in my hands are proof that I overcame death. I now have the power to save you so grab the rope!”
Finite put his fingers in the ears and said, “Now I know I am hearing things because there is no such thing as eternal life…Everyone dies so I am going to take my turn and just enjoy this warm sand until the end.”
The man with the holes in his hand said, “If you won’t grab the rope, then I won’t be able to help you…please, please take the rope and I can pull you out. Have faith my friend.”
A few moments later Finite sunk into the quick sand and out of sight. Finite was surprised that he did not die as expected. He just sat there surrounded by sand, unable to move, unable to breathe, unable to talk with his fingers in his ears. Finite tried to comfort himself by thinking, “I would rather stay here for eternity than believe that the man with the holes in His hand could help me. Faith in that mirage is irrational!!
So Finite sat in the quicksand for eternity. Day in and day out for eternity Finite was always thinking about the man with the holes in his hands. He would comfort himself thinking, “It was better to not have faith than to believe something that didn’t make sense.”
The man with the holes in His hands continued to call him for the rest of eternity; however, Finite could not hear his voice because he had plugged his ears.
The Lesson
If you are not with Christ, you will be thinking about Christ for eternity anyway… so have faith.
It will be interesting to see what he does next, if he’ll come and hang out more at the rest of our blogs or what. From reading your blog and the comments I know what to expect from him, so I’ll follow your lead and no longer engage him. He doesn’t address my questions or rebuttals anyway, so why should I bother?
You did the best you could with him; he was a lost cause from the start.
I’m gonna miss fail troll. 🙁
The word you’re looking for is “zombie”.
Sorta like Zombie Jesus.
and quelle surprise…
Zdenny has appeared on Julie’s blog spouting his filth that gay people are trying to commit suicide and spreading diseases…
I need to go and lay down in a darkened room to clam down……
This is obviously because Zdenny and other theo-tards keep telling gay people that their gayness will hurt them. Therefore, he’s right! You wouldn’t be raging so hard if he wasn’t directly affronting you! His logic is impeccable!
Oh, wait. I’m straight, and his filth about homosexuality makes me mad enough to spit.
Smoking tobacco is demonstrably harmful to a person’s health. Where are all of the Evangelicals who should be picketing stores that sell tobacco? Where are all of the anti-smoking ads that are sponsored by religious organizations instead of the American Lung Association?
They don’t exist. Do you know why? Because the Holy Bible™ of the Christians doesn’t mention tobacco.
As much as liars like zdenny trot out their bullshit about wanting to ‘help’ people, we all know that their primary ‘loathing’ [Much of this appears to be self-loathing.] of homosexuality comes from Leviticus. Funny how they don’t give a fuck about sowing a field with mixed seed, shaving or getting a hair cut, or charging of interest on a loan any more. There are passages in 1 Timothy and Jude which might be construed as referring to homosexuality, but it’s debatable, as is most of their Bible™.
They’re homophobes and bigots. No more need be said to want to push them to the fringes of society; a place more comfortable than they deserve.
[Originally moderated by the blog owner, this comment is finally allowed, after being held for over a year.]
Dan, most Christians get their view of sin from the gospels. Homosexuality is harmful to humanity which is taught in both Romans and Leviticus; however, how you deal with it has changed since the love of God can now change people.
Without the love of God, our world would still look like it did 2000 years ago.
The fact is that I don’t think you care about homosexuals or anyone else at all. In fact, I don’t think it is possible for you to love anyone but yourself. You just get good and bad feelings. If the feeling is good, you call it love and if it is bad, you hate that person (like me).
Christianity goes above feelings to the reality of love. Love causes us to love both our friends and our enemies. It also causes us to show people God’s Best for their life.
You seem to think that homosexuals are a special group. I don’t! They are just like all the rest of mankind who needs the love of God in order to overcome their impulses. We all have impulses; however, not all impulses are good for us. Homosexuality has proven itself to be harmful to both themselves as well as to humanity. All you need to do is visit an AIDS hospital and it will change your mind.
God Bless..
Awh 🙁
But Zdenny makes me look smart.. sniff
Zdenny makes a lamp post look smart in comparison.
Don’t worry, mossa. We know that you, as opposed to evangelical funditards, actually have critical thinking skills. That puts you miles ahead of someone like zdenny.
Bah. Zdenny have started to cencore me on his blog. He no longer alove people to see my comments nor does he reply to them. So, according to his own rules that meen I won? Its a dark age of humanity to know people like him still excist.
Yes, it is sad that people like him still exist. The worst part is that there are people who will still listen to his hatred and bigotry. The more we expose such people and such ideas for what they really are, the more we will be able to push them to the fringes of a truly free society.
Ah, seems it was a false alarm on the cencor part. But it took him a week to answer and he managed to post 2-3 blogg thingys before answerring me.
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