I’ve managed to complete a couple more models of local buildings for use in Google Earth. These two models weren’t particularly difficult, but both were difficult to photograph completely. There simply isn’t a way to get good photos of the full sides of some buildings.
212 S. First Street, Champaign
The Painters Local 363 and Glaziers Local 1168 have their office in this building at 212 S First Street in Champaign, Illinois. I’m not sure about the original construction date, but in 1940 this address was the home of a neighborhood grocery operated by Victor J. Mingee.
I’ve noticed that a great many of the models in Google Earth have very little information about the building itself, frequently not even listing the address associated with it. I prefer to find out a little bit more about the places I model, if I can. The city directories available at the Internet Archive are a great resource for information about buildings and their occupants over the years.
108 E. Clark Street, Champaign
This storage garage located at approximately 108 East Clark Street in Champaign, Illinois. I say, “approximately,” due to recent changes in Clark Street (and several other streets). These changes come as a result of the Boneyard Creek Second Street Basins project.
The garage sits on a lot that would have been the back portion of the 108 East Clark Street address, though the structures which used that address no longer exist. The building does have its own electric service connection, and appears to be in use. Being situated directly across the alley from the back of the Champaign Habitat for Humanity’s ReStore location perhaps indicates it is used by them.
On to more models
I still have quite a few models that I’ve begun, but haven’t gotten very far with. I think I’m slowly getting back into the swing of working with the modeling program and graphics programs in order to pull things together in the right way. I hope I’ll have more models to come in the very near future.
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