Dan Johnson

Author's posts

“I love the country but I can’t stand the scene.”

I’m often reminded of how varied people’s exposure to music can be. Twenty years is an eternity in the music industry. Those same years make a gap in musical generations that most people don’t bother to cross. I don’t follow what I refer to as ‘pop culture”, so I don’t really know who most of …

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Happy Crimbo! Life in a Northern Town

Yes, Crimbo is nearly at an end, though the spirit of the day should remain with us at all times. Respect for our fellow humans [Remember: People deserve some amount of respect as a human being; ideas (like religion) do not deserve my respect.], treating others as you would be treated, and generally not being …

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Pssst… It’s Okay if You Don’t Really Believe in God

Yes, I know I shouldn’t be giving away secrets like this. Your family members would probably come after me with a mob of villagers carrying torches and pitchforks if they only knew what I was about to divulge. [Look left… Look right… Coast is clear.] It’s okay if you don’t really believe in God. Yes, …

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An Anniversary: The Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Today is the anniversary of a milestone in the fight for human rights. On 10 December 1948, the United Nations General Assembly approved the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The declaration represents the first global expression of rights to which all human beings are entitled. I previously mentioned the UDHR in my post on Blasphemy …

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Why Laugh at Religion?

Why not? httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IiW7prxL-Tk The above video, titled “Laughing at Religion”, was edited together from various sources by FactVsReligion, a very intelligent and funny YouTube user. In the event that you enjoyed the first one, she’s also put together a sequel:

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Unsolicited Insanity

The contact form here on my blog gets rather little use. Most people who have something to say will say it in post comments, or email me directly (providing they have my address). The other day I received a rather strange email which was posted from the contact form. The message was unsolicited. It was …

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Nordman: I Lågornas Sken (In the Light of the Flames)

Anyone who decided to examine the music I listen to on a regular basis would probably be mystified as to what kind of music I prefer. During the day while I drive, I usually listen to classical music from the local public radio station, WILL FM. My MP3 player is as likely to have an …

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The Bane That Is No More

It seems that my Evangelical Blogstalker took time today to respond to several comments on the This is Why We Can’t Have Nice Things post. He left no fewer than seven responses from 10:37 to 10:50 am (Eastern Time). I’m going to take a look at them one at a time. I won’t leave any …

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This is Why We Can’t Have Nice Things

This is why we can't have nice things

My post of 17 November, “Won’t Someone Please Think Of The Bigots?!?!”, prompted a response from my favorite Evangelical Christian Fruitcake, zdenny. [Actually, it prompted an exchange between zdenny and several others who took turns pointing out the utter stupidity of his claims.] I have to say that zdenny responded in a way that I …

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Won’t Someone Please Think Of The Bigots?!?!

That’s right: Someone needs to think of the children bigots! Their rights are being trampled on! They’re being persecuted and repressed, and someone needs to consider their tender feelings! The religious right in general, and the Archdiocese of Washington in particular, are up in arms about the Washington DC City Council. What is the Council …

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