In this episode of It’s a Conspiracy!, let’s look at more of the 13 Places Google Doesn’t Want You To See, as discussed in our previous episode. Image № 2: Ramstein Air Base Ramstein Air Base is headquarters for the United States Air Forces in Europe (USAFE) and is also a North Atlantic Treaty Organization …
Category: Crackpottery
Jun 22 2011
It’s a Conspiracy! Episode 1
This is the first of what I hope to be a continuing series of blog posts about certain conspiracy theories and the joyous laughter I get from perusing them. I enjoy conspiracy theories in the same way that I enjoy certain other types of fiction. I’m not implying that there are never conspiracies between people …
May 07 2011
Woomeisters like Bill Kirkland Say the Darndest Things
While I was receiving chemotherapy treatment on Wednesday, 2011-05-04, a tweet from a friend of mine caught my interest. [Yes, I play on Twitter while the chemotherapy drugs drip into my veins.] Looking back in my timeline, I found that the tweet from @zeno001 followed this brief exchange: Wow! It appeared that Mr. Kirkland was …
Apr 27 2011
Help! Help! I’m being repressed!
It has recently come to my attention [by way of a post at Dispatches From the Culture Wars] that a group of Christians in the State of California feel that they need to codify their rights to evangelize and spread the gospel because those rights are in grave peril. They think that an amendment to …
Jan 09 2011
The Sky Is Falling! Seeds! Buy Seeds!
This advertisement is being promoted by WorldNut Daily. Surprise, surprise. httpvh:// …in an economic meltdown, non-hybrid seeds could become more valuable than even silver and gold. I love the “graph” that purports to show the value of gold, silver, and “Nonhybrid Seeds.” It’s odd that there aren’t any numbers on that graph, isn’t it? I …
Jan 01 2011
Living in a Delusional World
Terry Hurlbut (@Temlakos on Twitter) authors a column for called Creationism Examiner. On December 30th, 2010, Terry published an article entitled Creationism and science: wider implications. The article was brought to my attention in a post by PZ Myers at Pharyngula. I have, in the past, seen remarks about Biblical literalists attempting to “turn …
Nov 20 2010
Joe’s Grand Fantasy, Part One
I’ve written about Joe Cienkowski on a previous occasion. Some of you may already be familiar with Joe and his ideas about evolution and atheism. I’ve had brief exchanges with Joe on Twitter, and though we disagree, we keep things fairly cordial. Someone was kind enough to recently provide me with one of Joe’s self-published …
Nov 11 2010
A Poster Boy for the Dunning-Kruger Effect
Many people are not familiar with the term Dunning-Kruger Effect. The linked Wikipedia article begins with a very good description: The Dunning-Kruger effect is a cognitive bias in which an unskilled person makes poor decisions and reaches erroneous conclusions, but their incompetence denies them the metacognitive ability to realize their mistakes. The unskilled therefore suffer …
Oct 22 2010
Does Jesus Heal Today? Ummm… No.
While driving east on University Avenue in Champaign, Illinois, I was presented with the sight of this billboard. I found that I was not the only person in town who noticed the billboard, and was a bit insulted by it. [I’m not offended by it, as it takes much more to actually offend me.] A …
Jul 06 2010
Fundies Say the Darndest Things! Vol. 1
Yes, it seems that fundies (fundamentalists) do say the darndest things. There is a web site by that name, Fundies Say the Darndest Things!, which I visit once in a while to remind myself that there are a lot of people in this who truly are the most bigoted, unloving, ignorant, misguided fools ever to …
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