I read a blog post today. It was one of several that I took time to look at. This post in particular was made by someone who was angry about something they saw on the Internet. What was it they saw? They read an article from The Onion. For those of you not familiar with …
Category: Free Speech
Nov 06 2010
Good without god. But… Isn’t that impossible?
The mere idea that there are individuals who do not believe in god, and some that even have the audacity to say so, is tremendously offensive to a certain segment of the population. If someone implies that it is possible for people to be good people without that belief, some of the offended people might …
Oct 05 2010
What If They Gave A War And Only One Side Came?
Yes, it seems that the annual “War on Christmas” has already begun. I saw evidence of it earlier, but didn’t pay much attention until one of the mortar shells landed in my inbox. This particular explosive device came from the direction of one of my favorite comedic sources; Tim Wildmon, President of the American Family …
Jul 06 2010
Fundies Say the Darndest Things! Vol. 1
Yes, it seems that fundies (fundamentalists) do say the darndest things. There is a web site by that name, Fundies Say the Darndest Things!, which I visit once in a while to remind myself that there are a lot of people in this who truly are the most bigoted, unloving, ignorant, misguided fools ever to …
Jun 24 2010
No, I’m Not Helping: I’m Enjoying My 1st Amendment Rights
If you read Greg Laden’s Blog, then you’re probably familiar with another blog called You’re Not Helping. [No, I’m not providing a link. Think I’m going to help them? Fuck them.]. The bloggers (who keep their identities secret in their magical bat cave in Alabama, it seems) at YNH go on and on about how …
Dec 10 2009
An Anniversary: The Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Today is the anniversary of a milestone in the fight for human rights. On 10 December 1948, the United Nations General Assembly approved the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The declaration represents the first global expression of rights to which all human beings are entitled. I previously mentioned the UDHR in my post on Blasphemy …
Nov 12 2009
More Godless Billboards Yield More Religious Reaction
The national campaign by the United Coalition of Reason to promote greater awareness in the general public has met with varied responses. Billboards with messages such as “Are you good without God? Millions are.” and “Don’t believe in God? You are not alone.” have been sponsored by local coalitions in several areas. The San Diego …
Nov 11 2009
Alabama High School Prom Plus Lesbian Equals No Prom?
Some bigots simply need to be taken out behind the woodshed and soundly beaten about the head with a clue-by-four. It seems that the principal of Tharptown High School in Russellville, Alabama, Gary Odom, is offended that at least one of his students is a lesbian, and she intends to bring her girlfriend to the …
Nov 03 2009
A Thanksgiving Story: What Would Jesus Tweet?
I was recently made aware of a web site which claims to be “The Christian Alternative to Twitter”. Isn’t that just darling?!?! It really isn’t surprising, what with events like the “no god” debacle on Twitter. The ‘Pilgrims’ Because it is November (the month of the US Thanksgiving holiday), and because I’m witnessing a group …
Oct 25 2009
Simply Mention “no god” and Some People Really Get Upset
Between the ‘no god’ escapades on Twitter (on 20 October) and the varied responses to godless signs and billboards in New York and Chicago, I found quite a bit of entertainment last week. On Twitter, many thousands of religious people were upset that the phrase ‘no god’ was the number one ‘trending topic’ for several …
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