410 years ago today a man was killed because of what he believed. Giordano Bruno believed that the Earth is not the center of the Universe. He believed that our sun is but one of countless moving objects in our Universe. He believed that there are many worlds such as our own throughout the Universe. …
Tag: Science
Oct 28 2009
What is Biological Evolution? (and Why do Creationists Not Understand the Answer?)
When I engage in conversations with creationists regarding the Theory of Evolution, I nearly always encounter the same problem: They don’t know what evolution is. They frequently to refer to evolution as ‘Darwinism’. In this context, evolution refers to biological evolution. I am not a biologist. I do, however, know how to find information and …
Oct 25 2009
Your Religion Is Not Science!
I get so utterly sick of living on a planet inhabited by hordes of ignorant religious creationist fucktwits. It would be so much more tolerable if they would keep their bullshit within their churches, among the faithful. Instead, they feel compelled by the words of their fucktwit leaders to proselytize the hell out of anyone …
Oct 09 2009
Bill O’Reilly is Still Proud of His Ignorance
In a brief pre-recorded interview, Richard Dawkins exhibits little patience for the blow-hard O’Reilly. If it had been me, I’m certain I would have exhibited much less patience. O’Reilly exhibits his complete ignorance of anything to do with science. It is unusual for O’Reilly to have a prerecorded interview rather than doing it live. Dawkins …
Aug 11 2009
Science Must Declare a Reality War on Religion
Mooney and Kirshenbaum are at it again. I heard about it earlier today when PZ posted “The Mooney/Kirshenbaum crusade flops again“. It seems that Chris and Sheril have written a nice little op-ed piece for the LA Times, called “Must science declare a holy war on religion?“. I find it very telling that their piece …
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